Tainted Memories

Winding vine

Of morning glory

Trying to grasp as it climb

Holding on to my train of thoughts

getting lost

among the neurons

Only the shadow remains

Just few seeds

to start a new




Day after day

When I was in my 20’s, I use to wonder, how my life will unfold, 10 or 20 years from now. I had no idea about the ups and downs of life that was ahead of me then. After been through so much, I still feel there is a lot ahead of me yet to come, am I ready ? I don’t know, I guess no one is , but we are resilient beings and just keep going no matter what, like breathing, day after day after day, trying to stand up every morning from that bed, taking one step after another, splash of water on the face, looking into our own eyes in the mirror, staring and thinking who are you ? and what happened to me ? did I got lost somewhere along the way ……….

Strangers in Strange land

I walk and I am tired

But I keep walking and won’t stop

All these unfamiliar roads

Strangers , unknown faces

Where am I ?

I don’t belong

I am trying and I will not give up

I hope and I believe

One day I will find

The Home

The way back to You

Till then

I walk and I ll keep walking

Tea Party

Preparing for the tea party, taking out the good china, that fragrant tea I ordered last week, pouring the hot water, taking the pastries out, finger sandwiches , decorating table, placing everything exactly where it belongs.

A guest will come, that unknown stranger, I know, my 6th sense tells me so

Waiting ………

Knock on the door , silence ….

Knock again …. but I am afraid to open the door

afraid to let someone come in , what if ? ? so many questions

afraid to open the door of my heart

afraid to have it broken

I can’t ….

but I want to

clock is ticking …. I peak outside

I see someone sitting on stairs, facing the other way

finally I open the door, that person turns around with a smile , get up, steps in

Close the door behind

Capturing my heartbeat


I let go handing over the key



I felt secure and safe within me

Roaming room to room

I got lost

Entered so deep within

Cant find my way out

Now its just me within myself

There is no one else

Sitting next to oil lamp in my heart

I talk , I listen , I reply



What is planning ?

It’s visualizing in mind what we want . Every action start with vision, it’s the first and most important step to action. We see it, we plan it , we act on it, and its done .

The reward is the end product .

What is desire ?

Its the colors which paints the vision . Without desire, vision is just black and white, and don’t have much impact .


My heart use to be a place full of sunny days, where countless fragrant colored flowers bloomed all year long , butterflies’s heaven it was. Some days were cloudy as well, but clear as crystal , I could see for miles, those lush green mountains surrounding the valley that carried the sparkling blue water in its lap. A place where I could go and stay for as long as I wanted, full of clean fresh air, filled with oxygen .

My heart is now all foggy, it has the strange smell of mystery now, I can’t see too far, at night it gets even more dark. I am sure, someone else lives there now, I can hear the sobing, but since I can’t see , I don’t know who is that. At times it pulls me in, but I try not to stay for too long. Since you have departed and left me here on earth, my heart has become a hunted place.

~ Ak

Ghost trough trees in mysterious forest with fog on Halloween

Every second with every breath

You pulsate in my mind , with every heart beat, with every breath.

Like fruit existing in every blossom , even before we can actually see it grow, you exist in my thoughts, I know you are there but no one can see you, only I can enjoy your fragrance, in my being .

You have given a new meaning to the word Love, a unique, rare and immensely pleasurable feeling, just knowing you are there thinking about me too. It’s a life worth living no matter how difficult and hard, you make it easy.

Every second with every breath, I continue to fall …. and I know you will catch me … I continue to fall in Love with you .

AK ~

Flip that coin

I can feel you but I can’t see you,….. I can sense you but can’t touch you, … your essence and your presence over takes me …, liberates me, from the shackles of this life …… You …. are everywhere.

Your face…. hidden behind all that my eyes see ,…. my thoughts, can almost touch your fragrance, but like the twinkle of stars, it disappears. the moment it appears.

I can hear you laughing in me, Smiling with me, and Hugging me gently by sending the warm wave through me .

I want to thank you.

Thank you for letting me feel this way, thank you for letting me see the angel looking back at me in the Childs eyes. for letting me have the wings, so I can be with the winds ….. and letting me hear the songs of mountains, and humming of Seas.

Thank you for letting me taste the sweetness of heaven and bitterness of hell. ….. and…. for letting me have….. the Gift of ” knowing” …. that let me see the Good and Evil, are two sides of the same coin, …. Coin that I hold…. in my hand.


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